54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement will take your words to the next level! Whether you’re bursting with joy, thrilled about an opportunity, or just want to add some flair to your conversations, the right idiom can bring your emotions to life. From “on cloud nine” to “jumping for joy,” these phrases capture the thrill of excitement in a way plain words never could.
You know that feeling when your heart races, your energy soars, and you just can’t sit still? Now, let’s dive into the most powerful idioms that will help you express 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement like never before!
1. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Experiencing extreme happiness or euphoria.
In a Sentence: After hearing about her promotion, Sarah was on cloud nine.
Other Ways to Say: Over the moon, in seventh heaven, walking on air.
2. Jump for Joy
Meaning: To be so happy that one jumps in celebration.
In a Sentence: The children jumped for joy when they saw the ice cream truck.
Other Ways to Say: Leap with happiness, dance with delight, exult.
3. Tickled Pink
Meaning: Delighted or pleased about something.
In a Sentence: Grandma was tickled pink to receive the handmade card.
Other Ways to Say: Thrilled, overjoyed, elated.
4. Over the Moon
Meaning: Extremely pleased or happy.
In a Sentence: He was over the moon after winning the championship.
Other Ways to Say: On cloud nine, in seventh heaven, ecstatic.
5. Walking on Air
Meaning: Feeling very happy and light, as if floating.
In a Sentence: After their wedding, the couple was walking on air.
Other Ways to Say: On top of the world, in high spirits, euphoric.
6. Bubbling Over with Excitement
Meaning: Unable to contain one’s excitement; visibly enthusiastic.
In a Sentence: She was bubbling over with excitement about her upcoming trip.
Other Ways to Say: Bursting with enthusiasm, brimming with joy, overflowing with happiness.
7. Like a Kid in a Candy Store
Meaning: Overwhelmed with excitement and joy, often due to an abundance of choices.
In a Sentence: He was like a kid in a candy store at the tech expo.
Other Ways to Say: Giddy with excitement, thrilled, ecstatic.
8. On the Edge of One’s Seat
Meaning: Very excited and giving one’s full attention to something.
In a Sentence: The movie kept us on the edge of our seats until the very end.
Other Ways to Say: Eagerly anticipating, engrossed, captivated.
9. Ants in One’s Pants
Meaning: Unable to stay still due to excitement or impatience.
In a Sentence: The kids had ants in their pants waiting for the concert to start.
Other Ways to Say: Restless, fidgety, eager.
10. Heart Racing
Meaning: Experiencing a rapid heartbeat due to excitement or anticipation.
In a Sentence: His heart was racing as he opened the acceptance letter.
Other Ways to Say: Thrilled, exhilarated, pumped up.
11. Pins and Needles
Meaning: A tingling sensation due to excitement or anxiety.
In a Sentence: She was on pins and needles waiting for the test results.
Other Ways to Say: Anxious, nervous excitement, eagerly awaiting.
12. All Fired Up
Meaning: Very enthusiastic and eager to begin.
In a Sentence: The team was all fired up for the big game.
Other Ways to Say: Energized, pumped, raring to go.
13. Raring to Go
Meaning: Very eager to start something.
In a Sentence: After months of training, she was raring to go for the marathon.
Other Ways to Say: Eager, enthusiastic, keen.
14. Jumping Up and Down
Meaning: Physically expressing excitement by jumping.
In a Sentence: The fans were jumping up and down after the winning goal.
Other Ways to Say: Leaping with joy, ecstatic, overjoyed.
15. Grinning from Ear to Ear
Meaning: Smiling broadly due to happiness.
In a Sentence: He was grinning from ear to ear after hearing the good news.
Other Ways to Say: Beaming, smiling widely, delighted.
16. Pumped Up
Meaning: Filled with excitement and energy.
In a Sentence: The crowd was pumped up for the concert to begin.
Other Ways to Say: Energized, enthusiastic, amped up.
17. Eager Beaver
Meaning: A person who is very enthusiastic and eager to start a task.
In a Sentence: As an eager beaver, she finished the project ahead of schedule.
Other Ways to Say: Go-getter, enthusiastic person, keener.
18. Be Raring to Go
Meaning: To be very eager and enthusiastic about beginning something.
In a Sentence: The team was raring to go at the start of the project.
Other Ways to Say: Eager, keen, enthusiastic.
19. Full of Beans
Meaning: Energetic and enthusiastic.
In a Sentence: The kids were full of beans at the fair.
Other Ways to Say: Lively, animated, exuberant.
20. Buzzing with Excitement
Meaning: Feeling very excited and eager.
In a Sentence: The crowd was buzzing with excitement before the concert.
Other Ways to Say: Thrilled, electrified, abuzz.
21. Like a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Meaning: Extremely restless or jumpy due to excitement or nervousness.
In a Sentence: He was like a cat on a hot tin roof waiting for the results.
Other Ways to Say: Anxious, jittery, on edge.
22. Hyped Up
Meaning: Very excited or enthusiastic about something.
In a Sentence: They were hyped up about the game.
Other Ways to Say: Pumped up, energized, amped.
23. In High Spirits
Meaning: Cheerful and lively; in a very good mood.
In a Sentence: Everyone was in high spirits during the festival.
Other Ways to Say: Cheerful, jubilant, buoyant.
24. Giddy with Excitement
Meaning: Feeling so happy or excited that it makes you slightly dizzy.
In a Sentence: She was giddy with excitement at the surprise party.
Other Ways to Say: Elated, euphoric, overjoyed.
25. Having a Whale of a Time
Meaning: Enjoying oneself very much; having an exceptionally good time.
In a Sentence: They had a whale of a time at the amusement park.
Other Ways to Say: Having a blast, thoroughly enjoying, reveling.
26. Bubbling with Enthusiasm
Meaning: Overflowing with eagerness and excitement.
In a Sentence: The new employee was bubbling with enthusiasm on her first day.
Other Ways to Say: Brimming with excitement, bursting with eagerness, overflowing with zeal.
27. Like a Bull in a China Shop
Meaning: Behaving recklessly or clumsily in a situation that requires delicacy, often due to excitement.
In a Sentence: He was like a bull in a china shop when he heard the news, knocking over everything in his path.
Other Ways to Say: Clumsy, unrestrained, overenthusiastic.
28. Tickled to Death
Meaning: Extremely pleased or entertained.
In a Sentence: Grandpa was tickled to death by the children’s performance.
Other Ways to Say: Delighted, amused, overjoyed.
29. Over the Rainbow
Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and carefree.
In a Sentence: After the successful event, she felt over the rainbow.
Other Ways to Say: Ecstatic, blissful, in seventh heaven.
30. Bouncing Off the Walls
Meaning: Being overly energetic or excited.
In a Sentence: The children were bouncing off the walls as they made their way to Disneyland.
Other Ways to Say: Hyperactive, exuberant, overexcited.
Continuing our exploration of idioms that convey excitement, here are 21 additional expressions to enrich your language:
31. Thrilled to Bits
Meaning: Extremely pleased or delighted.
In a Sentence: She was thrilled to bits when she received the surprise birthday party from her friends.
Other Ways to Say: Overjoyed, ecstatic, elated.
32. Bursting with Joy
Meaning: So full of happiness that it feels overwhelming.
In a Sentence: When the team won the championship, they were bursting with joy, hugging each other tightly.
Other Ways to Say: Overflowing with happiness, jubilant, exultant.
33. Like a Dog with Two Tails
Meaning: Extremely happy and excited.
In a Sentence: When she saw her best friend after a long time, she was like a dog with two tails, smiling broadly.
Other Ways to Say: Over the moon, on cloud nine, delighted.
34. On Top of the World
Meaning: Feeling incredibly happy and successful.
In a Sentence: After getting promoted, she felt on top of the world, celebrating her achievement.
Other Ways to Say: Elated, ecstatic, jubilant.
35. Eyes Like Saucers
Meaning: Having wide-open, excited eyes, often from amazement.
In a Sentence: When they entered the magical theme park, their eyes were like saucers, taking in the enchanting sights.
Other Ways to Say: Amazed, astonished, awestruck.
36. Anticipation is Killing Me
Meaning: Being so excited about something that waiting becomes almost unbearable.
In a Sentence: The suspense of opening the mystery gift was killing her with anticipation.
Other Ways to Say: Eagerly awaiting, can’t wait, on tenterhooks.
37. Butterflies in My Stomach
Meaning: Feeling nervous excitement, often before a big event.
In a Sentence: Before going on stage, she had butterflies in her stomach, but once she started singing, they vanished.
Other Ways to Say: Nervous anticipation, anxious excitement, jittery.
38. Can’t Contain My Excitement
Meaning: Being so excited that it’s difficult to keep it to yourself.
In a Sentence: She couldn’t contain her excitement about the upcoming vacation and told everyone about it.
Other Ways to Say: Overjoyed, bursting with excitement, thrilled.
39. Having a Ball
Meaning: Enjoying oneself immensely; having a great time.
In a Sentence: At the birthday party, the kids were having a ball, playing games and laughing.
Other Ways to Say: Having a blast, thoroughly enjoying, reveling.
40. Flying High
Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and elated.
In a Sentence: After winning the championship, the team was flying high with pride and joy.
Other Ways to Say: On cloud nine, over the moon, ecstatic.
41. Dancing with Joy
Meaning: Expressing extreme happiness by dancing.
In a Sentence: When they heard their favorite song, they started dancing with joy in the living room.
Other Ways to Say: Rejoicing, celebrating, exulting.
42. Chomping at the Bit
Meaning: Eagerly impatient and excited about something.
In a Sentence: They were chomping at the bit to start the adventure as soon as they arrived at the amusement park.
Other Ways to Say: Eager, impatient, raring to go.
43. Hopping with Excitement
Meaning: So excited that you can’t stand still.
In a Sentence: The little boy was hopping with excitement on the morning of his birthday, eager to open his presents.
Other Ways to Say: Bouncing with joy, jumping for joy, leaping with excitement.
44. Heart in My Throat
Meaning: Feeling nervous excitement or anxiety, often due to anticipation.
In a Sentence: As she approached the roller coaster, her heart was in her throat, but she rode it and loved every moment.
Other Ways to Say: Anxious anticipation, nervous excitement, on edge.
45. Cause a Stir
Meaning: To create excitement or great interest.
In a Sentence: The arrival of the band caused quite a stir among the fans.
Other Ways to Say: Create a buzz, generate excitement, make waves.
46. Fever Pitch
Meaning: A very high level of excitement or activity.
In a Sentence: The crowd had been roused to a fever pitch by the drama of the game.
Other Ways to Say: Crescendo of excitement, peak enthusiasm, heightened anticipation.
47. On the Edge of One’s Seat
Meaning: To be very excited and giving one’s full attention to something.
In a Sentence: The movie was so thrilling that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
Other Ways to Say: Engrossed, captivated, enthralled.
48. Fit to Burst
Meaning: Experiencing such an extreme degree of emotion, such as excitement, that it feels nearly uncontrollable.
In a Sentence: The children were fit to burst with excitement as they waited for the fireworks to begin.
Other Ways to Say: Overflowing with excitement, bursting with enthusiasm, brimming with anticipation.
49. Bubble Over with Enthusiasm
Meaning: To exhibit or express an emotion, such as excitement, that one is unable to contain.
In a Sentence: The students bubbled over with enthusiasm during the science experiment.
Other Ways to Say: Overflow with excitement, brim with enthusiasm, be filled with eagerness.
50. Eager Beaver
Meaning: An enthusiastic person who works hard.
In a Sentence: She’s such an eager beaver; she always volunteers for extra tasks.
Other Ways to Say: Go-getter, keener, enthusiastic worker.
51. With Bells On
Meaning: To be delighted and eager to go somewhere or do something.
In a Sentence: I’ll be at the party with bells on!
Other Ways to Say: Enthusiastically, eagerly, keenly.
52. Be Raring to Go
Meaning: To be very eager and enthusiastic about beginning something.
In a Sentence: The team was raring to go at the start of the project.
Other Ways to Say: Eager, keen, enthusiastic.
53. On the Edge of One’s Seat
Meaning: To be very excited and giving one’s full attention to something.
In a Sentence: The movie was so thrilling that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
Other Ways to Say: Engrossed, captivated, enthralled.
54. Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed
Meaning: Alert and eager; full of energy and enthusiasm.
In a Sentence: She arrived at the meeting bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to contribute.
Multiple Choice Quiz on 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
1. What does the idiom “On Cloud Nine” mean?
a) Feeling extremely happy
b) Feeling confused
c) Feeling tired
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
2. Which idiom describes someone who is extremely happy and excited?
a) Under the weather
b) Like a dog with two tails
c) Bite the bullet
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
3. If someone is “Bursting with Joy,” they are:
a) Feeling very sad
b) Extremely happy
c) Very angry
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
4. The idiom “On Top of the World” signifies:
a) Feeling extremely happy and successful
b) Being very tired
c) Feeling confused
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
5. What does “Eyes Like Saucers” mean?
a) Feeling sleepy
b) Being very hungry
c) Having wide-open, excited eyes
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
6. If someone says, “The anticipation is killing me,” they are:
a) Very excited about something
b) Feeling very sick
c) Extremely angry
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
7. The idiom “Butterflies in My Stomach” refers to:
a) Feeling hungry
b) Feeling nervous excitement
c) Being sick
d) 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement
8. What does “Can’t Contain My Excitement” mean?
a) Being unable to hide one’s excitement
b) Feeling very sad
c) Being very angry
d) Feeling tired
9. If someone is “Having a Ball,” they are:
a) Playing sports
b) Enjoying themselves immensely
c) Feeling sad
d) Feeling nervous
10. The idiom “Flying High” signifies:
a) Feeling extremely happy
b) Being very tired
c) Feeling confused
d) Being angry
- a) Feeling extremely happy
- b) Like a dog with two tails
- b) Extremely happy
- a) Feeling extremely happy and successful
- c) Having wide-open, excited eyes
- a) Very excited about something
- b) Feeling nervous excitement
- a) Being unable to hide one’s excitement
- b) Enjoying themselves immensely
- a) Feeling extremely happy
Understanding 54 Idioms for Expressing Excitement can greatly enhance your expressive abilities in English. These colorful expressions add depth and emotion to your communication, allowing you to convey feelings of joy and anticipation more vividly.
By incorporating idioms like “On Cloud Nine,” “Bursting with Joy,” and “Flying High” into your vocabulary, you can more effectively share your experiences and emotions with others. Remember, practice makes perfect, so try using these idioms in your daily conversations to become more comfortable with them.